AdBlock Detected: What You Need To Know About AdBlockers & BHW

Modified on Thu, 16 May 2024 at 10:29 AM

If you receive this error message or you regularly use an ad blocker, it's important that you read this thread before you continue using Black Hat World.

Those of you using ad blockers may have noticed that certain features on the site stop working. For example, you may have noticed that links may not work or images don't load.

There are a couple of options you have if you keep encountering this error:

  1. Add to your ad blocker's white list. We recommend doing this if you'd like to continue using your ad blocker on other websites.
  2. Disable your ad blocker temporarily. This is more of an option for those of you who use ad blockers with a "pause" functionality.
  3. Enable your ad blocker to work only on specific sites. This is great if you have an ad blocker only for specific websites.
  4. Disable your ad blocker indefinitely. If all else fails and you don't have a pause button on your ad blocker, you can just outright disable it.
  5. For Kaspersky users: disable “Antibanner” and “Data collection protection”

If you keep experiencing issues either with our ad block detection or the site's functionality, open a support ticket using so that one of our support agents can assist you further.

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